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Update: October 1, 2024

The motion brought by the landlord defendants to prevent the class members from including any additional common issues in the proceedings which was originally scheduled to be heard on October 1, 2024 is now scheduled for October 10, 2024, starting at 10:00am via zoom.  Zoom Details are Below:

Time: Oct 10, 2024 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 636 7727 0210
Passcode: 796517

 You can read the plaintiffs’ factum here.  

Parliament Street Fire Class Action

On August 21, 2018, a fire took place in the apartment building located at 650 Parliament Street in Toronto. The fire caused significant damage to the electrical systems in the building. The residents were evacuated from their apartments and advised that they should expect to be displaced for several months while repairs are undertaken.  

Charney Lawyers is co-counsel with Strosberg Sasso Sutts LLP, who have commenced a proposed class action on behalf of the tenants of 650 Parliament Street. 


The site is not designed to answer questions about your individual situation or entitlement. Do not rely upon the information provided on this website as legal advice in respect of your individual situation nor use it as a substitute for individual legal advice.

The information collected about potential class members will assist counsel in prosecuting the class action and assessing what damages were suffered by the class as a whole. Providing the information requested does not make you the client of Charney Lawyers. The court will ultimately decide who will be included as a class member.

This website will be updated from time to time to provide potential class members with information as it becomes available.